Creating healthy, sustainable, city food environments – Putting lived experiences first

A thought leadership event on ‘creating healthy, sustainable, city food environments’ was held on the 20th of June at the George Institute’s Oxford office.

The event involved a keynote presentation by Prof Corinna Hawkes, distinguished fellow at The George Institute for Global Health. Corinna focused on the need for a “people-centred” approach that draws on people’s lived experiences to design urban food policy and increase access and affordability of healthy foods.

A panel discussion included researchers, an expert by experience and consultants, and was moderated by A/Prof Jacqui Webster from The George Institute for Global Health in Sydney. The panel reflected on what has and has not worked in creating long-lasting change in the urban food environment, and reflections on what has worked for salt reduction at the population level were made.

To read more and to listen to the recording of this event, click here.