Current recommendations

The WHO has provided recommendations for maximum limits of daily salt intake


For adults, WHO recommends that adults eat less than 5g salt (2000mg sodium) per day.


For children, WHO recommends that the recommended maximum intake of salt for adults is adjusted downwards for children aged 2-15 years old based on their energy requirements

Reducing population salt intake by 30% by 2025

Global target on reducing salt intake

Currently, around the world, we are eating 10g salt/day, with some Asian countries eating up to 12g salt, which is putting our health at risk and causing millions of premature deaths each year.

In order to address this, WHO has set a global target of 30% relative reduction in population level salt intake by 2025, as one of the most cost-effective measures countries can take to improve population health.

This salt target is one of 9 global targets endorsed by WHO to reduce premature mortality from non-communicable disease including cardiovascular disease.

National action plans to reduce salt intake

Many countries have now set their own national target for population level salt intake, in line with their current intakes. For example:

Many national salt reduction strategies are linked to a broader initiative such as non-communicable disease or nutrition programs.
