Mongolia: Raising salt awareness in the western region of Mongolia

Mean estimated population salt consumption in the western region of Mongolia is 15.4 g/day; triple the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommended daily maximum of 5 g/day and much higher than the national average of 11.1 g/day. To tackle this disparity, Mongolia has implemented several activities in line with the framework, “Improving knowledge and awareness on […]
High sodium and low potassium intakes in Kazakhstan using 24-h urinary sodium excretion

Published in the European Journal of Nutrition, Trieu et al analysed the data from two cross sectional surveys that collected 24-h urine samples from participants aged 25-64 years to estimate mean sodium and potassium intake and describe dietary knowledge and behaviour among adults in two different regions of Kazakhstan. The study found the weighted mean […]
Salt reduction initiatives in Africa: A systematic review

Published in the Journal of Clinical Hypertension, Tekle et al conducted a systematic review to document salt consumption patterns, the implementation status and potential impact of salt reduction initiatives in Africa. From 38 studies included, the review found that the mean estimated salt intake in African adults ranged from 6.8 g/day to 11.3 g/day. Salt […]