Web based learning improves salt-smarts in children (Victoria, Australia)

Grimes CA et al conducted a study investigating the efficacy of a digital education program on salt reduction in 83 children (mean age= 9yrs). The intervention included weekly interactive online sessions, conducted over 5-weeks.

Surveys on knowledge, attitudes and behaviours (KABs) were conducted pre and post intervention with a 24-hr urine collection taken to estimate salt intake. Post intervention children had improved knowledge, behaviours and self-efficacy related to reducing salt intake. No improvements in attitudes towards salt intake were observed, and 24-hr urine measures (n=51 children), also showed no change.

Authors concluded that the web based program was successful in improving factors likely important in changing salt intake in children, yet further research and longer term interventions are needed to identify if sustaining these behaviours can translate to dietary salt reductions. Read more here.