Neapolitan Pizza Prepared with Seawater in Place of Salt has 50% less sodium and very good acceptability

Published in Nutrients on 17th November 2020, Idelson et al conducted a randomised controlled trial with twelve healthy participants to investigate the nutritional properties, sensory characteristics and metabolic effects of a typical Neapolitan pizza prepared with seawater (SWP) in place of common salt compared with standard traditional pizza (StP). The seawater pizza contained almost 50% less sodium and more micronutrients compared to the standard pizza. The study found a significant difference in the urine volume collected 3 hours post meals (194 mL after StP vs. 292 mL after SWP, p = 0.018) and sodium balance (+1.6 g after StP vs. +0.5 g after SWP, p = 0.002), following the same volume of water consumed during/after meals . No significant differences between the two pizzas regarding sensory and metabolic effects were observed. The authors conclude that SWP appears to have favourable nutritional characteristics, very good acceptability and healthy metabolic properties that warrants a larger intervention trial.

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