Estimated social return on investment of Salt Reduction programs in Australia

The George Institute commissioned Health Technology Analysts Pty Ltd to assess the benefits of implementing policies or community interventions to reduce nationwide salt intake in Australia. Economic modelling was conducted using the Social Return on Investment (SROI) framework to assess broader socio-economic impacts of varying levels of salt reduction through three types of salt reduction programs: (1) mandatory salt reduction legislation, which requires food manufacturers to comply with maximum salt targets across a wide range of processed foods, (2) voluntary participation of food manufacturers in limiting salt use in processed foods, and (3) a community health program for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Based on a 1 g/day reduction in salt intake, the modelling estimated that 1,364 lives could potentially be saved each year, as well as 2,626 strokes and 2,426 coronary heart disease events potentially avoided. Download the full report here.