A Systematic Review of the Sources of Dietary Salt Around the World

Published in Advances in Nutrition, Bhat et al conducted a global systematic review of dietary salt sources. Between 1975 and 2018, 80 studies (74 peer-reviewed) from 34 countries were identified. Discretionary sources of salt contributed to more than half daily intake in at least eight countries, and more than a quarter of daily intake in […]

Reducing salt in bread to protect from cardiovascular disease in Morocco

In January 2020, Abdelfettah Derouiche presented recent salt reduction research from Morocco at the  European Days of the French Society of Cardiology Congress in Paris. In his presentation he reflected on a five-year awareness raising campaign that aimed to encourage bakeries to reduce the amount of sodium chloride used when making white bread, along with […]

Researchers Find Formula to Reduce Sodium in Bread

A new low sodium bread dough formula has been developed by researchers from the University of Manitoba and Canada Bread. The sodium content of the bread baked by the researchers was reduced to 380 mg/100g with the new formula, down from an average of 450 mg/100g sodium in regular breads in Canada. They studied how […]

Strengthening Malaysia’s National Salt Reduction Strategy (2015-2020)

Last year Dr Kathy Trieu and Prof Jacqui Webster from The George Institute for Global Health conducted an interim evaluation of Malaysia’s national salt reduction strategy with a view to identifying areas where the strategy could be strengthened. The mid-term evaluation report including the six key recommendations for enhancing implementation is now published on the […]

Recipients of LINKS grant

The George Institute for Global Health are part of two successful Resolve to Save Lives, LINKS grants this year. The highly competitive grants of over US$2.3million in total will be supporting programs that promote heart health in 18 countries. The George Institute alongside Ministry of Health Malaysia, National University of Malaysia and WHO Office in […]

Unpack the Salt – Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership

The Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership has shared findings of the consumer awareness campaign, ‘Unpack the Salt’, which ran from 2017-2019. Following the campaign, around 80% of the target audience were able to correctly recall at least one key message unprompted, such as where hidden salt is found in foods. Over the course of the campaign […]

Sodium Content of Commonly Consumed Foods in Argentina

Home cooking

Calliope and Samman investigated the sodium levels in street food, fast food and artisanal food in Northwest Argentina using chemical analysis. To collect information on the types and frequency of food consumed, a survey was administered to a sample of adults. The most commonly consumed street food was hot dogs (25%) and French fries (22%); […]